Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blog Project #3: C4T

First C4T Post:In a blog post recently published by WM Chamberlain, the idea of The Student Learning Manifesto is created. An 8th grade teacher from Noel, Missouri assigned his students a task to create a "manifesto" containing a few goals or actions that the student can take to become a better student. The students then share their work on here. In my opinion, i think this is an excellent idea. When a student takes the actions that he or she wrote down, they will realize what kind of potential they have within. I think it is great for students and should be done more often in schools around the world.

Second C4T Post:
I decided to stick with WM Chamberlain and his next blog post in the series was One Teacher, One Smartphone. In this post, he elaborated on ways that he plans to use his Droid X within his classroom. I think that this is a very good idea. So many children are getting cell phones at younger and younger ages so it will essentially be very useful. I personally didn't realize how useful an Android can be in the classroom. This post opened my eyes a little as to what all technology we really have right at our fingertips.

1 comment:

  1. Donna,
    I really enjoyed your post. It was very organized.I have to agree with you that the manifesto are great ways to see the development of a student.I would like to use this techique myself one day.I think the use of cellular phones are a new way of learning for students.I believe that it would keep the students attentive with work. I liked reading your blog post. Keep up the great work.
